Busy busy weekend

I've had a great weekend. And it isn't over yet. Mia is coming over in a litle while and we are gonna color our hair and do some facial masks and stuff. And watch movies. Yey.
I like her a lot.
Friday I went over to her place after work and we went together to Chris' party. It was his birthday. Chris is one of the Danes in our team. It was super! Me, Mia and Carl were the only one who were sober. It was interesting. Me and Carl sang singstar. Never done that sober before. A girl was hitting on me. First time. It was strange. She stopped though when she realized I had a boyfriend. Went home around 2 with Carl since we're neighbours. It was freezing! And it was storm, the winds were insane!
Woke up yesterday morning and was happy since I didn't have a hangover. That is great! And when people get drunk, no one notices that you are sober anyway =)
Went to town with Mia, bought some real good chicken and some vegetables and stuff and then we went home after looking for a disposable bbq thing for an hour. We fried the chicken in the pan instead, made a salad and ate corn. It was super! Got ready and went to a French leaving party. No drinking. Had to work this morning. Left around 12 when all left for a night club.

Tried to sleep through Tore's and Björns party here at home. They were noisy, drunk and annoying. Woke me up several times and at 7.30 when Björn went home. Up to work at 8.30 and it was supposed to take 3 hours. It took 25 min.
Boyfriend is still sleeping and I am relaxing.

The weekend was stressful. The letters I have received this week are no fun. They all expect me to give whatever they want just because the threaten to go to court otherwise. As IF the court will decide against us when it comes to a product which have been declared with liquid damage. Idiots. And they think that if they scream loud enough and asks to speak to higher Management (which I never let them do) then they will get what they want.
But I like my job. It is great. Just miss taking simple phone calls. Would have been great since there actually are times when I can relax and do stuff. But it will look good on paper that I have been dealing with the letters, and if my lovely letter buddy gets another job, then I might apply for her position, but then I will be fulltime on letters. Would be cool though. We'll see...

How is your life?


Life is strange. I am happy. I am sad. I am sick and tired of being here. I love it. Never happy am I?

Well, I have been a bit depressed for the last few years, it has been up and down, with the occasional breakdown when I just lay in bed crying for hours and with such a pain in my chest that it feels like I just want to explode or die.
I have mood swings. I have been talking to my dear crisis nurse after an incident last year. She was in contact with me every week until I started to see a therapist. I went once. He reminded me of someone I know and I couldn't sit there and talk about my feelings with him.
My mood affect me and Tore. I was thinking about getting anti-depressive medication but thought that maybe I should try some herbs first. Had heard of Johannesört, St Johns Worth (I think) but I can't eat it with my meds. Went in to a store which sells herbs and stuff and asked for a mild anti-depressive. They gave me Rhodelia. I started take it and have taken it for over two weeks. My mood swings are gone, my feelings are more stabile. I feel less stressed and feel relaxed. It is called Rosenört in Swedish. Why didn't I know of this before? Me and Tore have been fine since I started it. No fights, he is still not helping out with cleaning and stuff, but I don't care as much anymore. It is not the end of the world. Whatever. We're gonna move apart soon anyway.
I think so at least. Our contract runs out in the middle of July. We'll see if we move in together in another flat then. I might just rent a room somewhere and get on with my life instead. =)

Anywho, life is great. I complain about my customers but they are quite stupid many of them. My csat (customer satisfaction) is quite high, which is good. Our new manager is good. He lets me do what I need to do. I am doing a lot of things, never taking calls. Haven't been taking calls the whole year. Just been dealing with the letters coming in. The letters are difficult. They are soo angry many of them and they expect so much. And I have to give customers call every day and explain to them that we won't repair this for free or replace that without cost (since it is 3 years out of warranty = 4 years old)  and the customer shout at me and say that they are gonna sue me.

People asks me how I can continue smiling even though I deal with the letters. I hate it sometimes, but I like it most of the time. Wouldn't change it for anything at this moment. Gonna save money and then I am leaving for holiday in the end of the summer. Alone probably. There is no one who wants to go with me or have the money to do so. And Tore is leaving for 8 days in Mexico so he will not go for holiday for a while after that.

Anywho, now I'm gonna continue with one of my Finnish lessons =) My goal is that I am gonna be done with the course I have before the summer. Then I need A LOT of practice!!

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