
Happy again. Sorry I haven't updated for a while but I have been on the late shift at work for over a month now and I usually go home and do nothing before I go to bed =)

A surprise for most of my friends: I was home in Sweden about two weeks ago, for ten days. IT WAS GREAT! I didn's tell anyone except my family since I haven't been home for 1,5 years and wanted to spend time with my family without feeling that I need to go out every night and meet friends. No offence. I will be home soon again though and then I will go home just to see friends.

Something interesting about coming home though. I missed Sweden sooo much and I looked so much forward of finally getting home. It was even better than I imagined it would be, when I finally landed in Skavsta. The sun was shining and it was a clear and cold day. I just felt like kissing the ground. I was so happy I was home. I was exhausted though since I had been awake since 07,00 the day before. I had to go to Dublin straight after work and spent 10 hours on Dublin airport. Had my lovely laptop though so I was watching movies and stuff the whole night. But that meant that when I landed in Skavsta, I had been awake for almost 30 hours...
Anywho, I was happy, I didn't know what to do with all the happiness. I took the bus into Stockholm central station. And I took the subway from there. Just walking on the central station watching all the people, it was great. I went home and slept. My cats remembered me. Sabelkatt =) she slept in my bed, and I woke up hours later to the smell of blodpudding and bacon! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
It took me about 36 hours before I realized why I left Sweden. The people. The annoying unfriendly pushy idiotic people. The stress, the annoyingness (a word I invented) of having to speak Swedish everywhere. No one holding the door open for me, people starting to enter the subway before everyone have left it, and the fact that they took no notice of elder people or anything.

I love being in a country where people are polite.They are idiots here as well, but they are polite idiots. And I don't blend in like at home. I AM something when I am here. I am Swedish. We were discussing the importance of our nationality the other day. I didn't care that much when I was home, but now I do. I am proud of being Swedish. Other nationalities think about intelligent, good working people when they think about Swedes (all whome are blonde, tall and have big boobs of course). And the flag is important. Of course, we would never expect Ireland to stop singing their national anthems or anything because we are not Irish and we would never go out and wave with our flags on their important days, but all of us own a flag. Mine is in the hallway in our flat. Tores Norwegian flag is in the kitchen.
I am now gonna go and tattoo something that show that I am Swedish. Call me rasist if you want to, but I do love my country and I do love being Swedish. I love Spanish people, Italians, Dutch, German, Irish, British and Finnish people as well, and many other people and nationalities, but I want to show them that I am Swedish.

Anywho, I was home for almost ten days. I ate, I slept, I was with my family and a lot with my cats. It was great. I have really missed home, but I know that I don't want to live in Sweden. It is a little bit sad actually, but I can't stand the thought of having to speak Swedish all the time. It was strange to go the cinema and watch the subtitles. But it was even more strange to see how much Stockholm have changed in only 2,5 years. New buildings everywhere, English signs and stuff on the subway. Impressive.

When Lars-Ove drove me to the airport for my flight home, I was happy. I was exhausted and sooo full, but I was looking forward of getting home to routines again. To work, to friends, to non-Swedish stuff.

I came back and everything was great. I have had sooo much to do since I came back since I am dealing with the Nordic letters, but mainly with the UK/IRE letters  and my colleague who works with them has been sick so we have had a huge backlog. But I like it. And a thought has popped up in my mind:
We have Apple departments all over the world; In US, Singapore, Sydney etc.
I am gonna check if it is possible for me to transfer to CR in Sydney or maybe Singapore. Wouldn't that be cool? It would be super! Then I can go to Australia, get a Visa and then continue working there or quit or anything.

Well, right now I am gonna do nothing since I will work here for some time more. We will see what happens with me and Tore, but I am trying to persuade him to go to Sydney with me. He can study and I can work. Or I'll go by myself =)

Anywho, I need to go to bed now since I am taking a bus to Belfast tomorrow at 07,00

And if you haven't listened to the song "Bruises" with Chairlift yet, please do. It is super. I KNOW that it is in the ad for the ipod nano, but since I haven't seen the ad, I don't care. It is great anyway.


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