Me turning old...23...

It was my birthday last Friday. How did it go?

Well....I had a really bad day at work, with a lot of customers that was difficult to please..Sometimes you can't really do anything, and you really try to find something you can do, but today, I think God was trying to punish me or something because I had sooo looong calls and they were soo angry.
When I started at work, they told me that they have a phycologist working full time for the staff and I thought to myself "what a complete waste of money", but now, after a few days with really bad calls..I understand why he/she is here. WhenI go home after work, it is difficult for me to let go of the cases, and sometimes I am real upset. But I really DO enjoy my job. It is super to help people, and most of them does not scream at me =)

After work (I had to work over because I was in a call), I went home to rest. I was completely exhausted and not really in the mood of having a birthday. But it was Friday...thank God! Tore got home, and did barely speak to me. (Yey, this is gonna be a  great birthday)
The reason why he did not talk to me was because I came home a little bit late, Thursday evening. There was a job thing going on at one of the clubs in town. They were recognizing people that had made a big difference through the year. It was super, but I stayed out kind of late with my team, and when I was on my way home I called him and he just asked me to fuck off and hung up...Niiice birthday.
Apparently he had received a text from someone earlier that evening saying "some stranger are trying to chat up your girlfriend".

Anywho, after about 30 min, I had been cute enough and he melted =D and he actually gave me a gift. A real beautiful diamond necklace in gold. It is soo beautiful! Nice boyfriend!
And after that we actually went out for dinner to an Italian restaurant. Tore ordered a steak, and it was the best steak I have had (and he has had) in years. It was the first time since I left home that I have actually enjoyed a perfect medium rare steak. It practically melted in the mouth!

So my birthday was great anyway. Also, my dad, my sister and my mom called. And my grandma. And my dear friend Richa. And on Facebook, everybody congratulated me. I was impressed, thought people had forgot me =)

Tore has started at Blizzard now, as a game master. Seems like he is enjoying it. It is closer home as well.

Oh, by the way. We have had four days of sunshine in a row!! People not living in Ireland may not think this is something worth mentioning, but since it is probably the first time this year, that this has happened, it is quite a big of a deal. Me love sunshine! And I really do love Cork and Ireland when it is sunny. Everything comes alive (otherwise we are only alive inside the pub)

Need to get to bed now, I have to go up an hour earlier than usually, since I have to pick up the parcel mom sent to me. And since the Irish logic says that you can close the post office at 13.30 weekdays, I do not have any other choice than to pick it up before work.
It IS incredible though, how unfriendly customer service can be...I just HATE customer service in Ireland. They do not know how to help you out, and don't really care to either...They do not look at you when you talk to them, you can see on their body language that they think you are an idiot wasting there time, and I even "heard" that over phone with the post office. When I asked if they could send the package out again, they just said blunt no. No explanation, nothing, just no.

I think you are getting more observant on stuff like that when you are in the same business...and I feel so proud that I am sooo nice towards my customer (even when they are screaming at me)

Well, time for bed!



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