Christmas is coming to town
I had a nice day yesterday. I lay in bed and watched True blood. An American tv-series about vampires. Good stuff. I did that since I was sick and every time I moved I almost coughed my lungs up.
But I still had the energy to go to Dunnes Store to by some food and to get some christmas decorations. Felt I needed something. I mean it is first of Advent today. I think so anyway. They don't celebrate it over here so I am not sure, but I have heard so from mum. Anywho, I went there and found some candles and a really nice candle thing with red glass. It was beautiful, and about 15 euro. That is nothing. And it is more like something you would have at home, in Sweden.
Not these insanely crazy strong neon colors and metal and fake and too much of everything. It is just candles, and of course, the red flower, a christmas star. Julstjärna. And I realized how much more our flat looks like a home with only these few things.
The best part though, was that my dad called me in the middle of the night. He was having a "few" :) beers with some of his friends. That was great :) and I spoke to all of them. We had a great time in Spain last year, and that was also the last time I saw my dad. That is sad. I miss him. I think of him every day. Especially when I have had a fight with my "lovely" boyfriend. Like today.
I looked forward to go shopping with him, but when he was late and was about to have a coffee with a friend before we left, I asked him why, he just called me a bitch. Not fair huh? Ok, I can act a bit bitchy sometimes, but I wonder if I did this time. We said that we were going to town around three. At 3,30 he wasn't ready and said he was gonna grab a quick coffee with his friend first. And I just asked him why he couldn't do that after instead. I continue come up with reasons why I should stay with him, I like him, we will work it out, we are just having a bad period etc. But I feel a little bit like these women who are getting abused by their men (don't worry, he would never touch me, and if he would, I would kill him) they excuse their men all the time and say it will be better.
Anyway, we had a short fight and I started to cough. And you know what happened? I coughed so hard for about 10 min that almost all my blood vessels in my forehead and around my eyes and cheeks exploded. I coughed so hard that I almost threw up. So now, I look like an old alcoholic.
I am getting friends here now. I need friends to be able to break up if I decide to. I do not for a second in my life think that I will spend my life with this man. I don't believe in that kind of love anymore, especially not with him. But we have a nice flat, we have a nice time when we don't fight and he is the first guy I have met who wants to travel and have the possibility. Just like me. That is why I want it to work out.
Something I am very proud of today. I have fixed my first problem in the flat. The washing machine stopped working of some reason. I had no idea why, it just stopped spinning. And since I wanted to try and sort it out before we called our landlord, I tried to open the lid on the bottom of the machine. I opened it a little and a lot of water came out. Hmmm...
Well, I managed to empty it in the end and take out the thing in it which is for all the fluff that gets stuck in the machine. And we found a lot of coins. And a lot of fluff. And some bra things. No wonder the machine wasn't working. The water couldn't get out. So I emptied it and now it is working fine. I am sooo handy =D
I am already in a better mood. Screw you, boyfriend. I can take care of myself. =)
But I still had the energy to go to Dunnes Store to by some food and to get some christmas decorations. Felt I needed something. I mean it is first of Advent today. I think so anyway. They don't celebrate it over here so I am not sure, but I have heard so from mum. Anywho, I went there and found some candles and a really nice candle thing with red glass. It was beautiful, and about 15 euro. That is nothing. And it is more like something you would have at home, in Sweden.
Not these insanely crazy strong neon colors and metal and fake and too much of everything. It is just candles, and of course, the red flower, a christmas star. Julstjärna. And I realized how much more our flat looks like a home with only these few things.
The best part though, was that my dad called me in the middle of the night. He was having a "few" :) beers with some of his friends. That was great :) and I spoke to all of them. We had a great time in Spain last year, and that was also the last time I saw my dad. That is sad. I miss him. I think of him every day. Especially when I have had a fight with my "lovely" boyfriend. Like today.
I looked forward to go shopping with him, but when he was late and was about to have a coffee with a friend before we left, I asked him why, he just called me a bitch. Not fair huh? Ok, I can act a bit bitchy sometimes, but I wonder if I did this time. We said that we were going to town around three. At 3,30 he wasn't ready and said he was gonna grab a quick coffee with his friend first. And I just asked him why he couldn't do that after instead. I continue come up with reasons why I should stay with him, I like him, we will work it out, we are just having a bad period etc. But I feel a little bit like these women who are getting abused by their men (don't worry, he would never touch me, and if he would, I would kill him) they excuse their men all the time and say it will be better.
Anyway, we had a short fight and I started to cough. And you know what happened? I coughed so hard for about 10 min that almost all my blood vessels in my forehead and around my eyes and cheeks exploded. I coughed so hard that I almost threw up. So now, I look like an old alcoholic.
I am getting friends here now. I need friends to be able to break up if I decide to. I do not for a second in my life think that I will spend my life with this man. I don't believe in that kind of love anymore, especially not with him. But we have a nice flat, we have a nice time when we don't fight and he is the first guy I have met who wants to travel and have the possibility. Just like me. That is why I want it to work out.
Something I am very proud of today. I have fixed my first problem in the flat. The washing machine stopped working of some reason. I had no idea why, it just stopped spinning. And since I wanted to try and sort it out before we called our landlord, I tried to open the lid on the bottom of the machine. I opened it a little and a lot of water came out. Hmmm...
Well, I managed to empty it in the end and take out the thing in it which is for all the fluff that gets stuck in the machine. And we found a lot of coins. And a lot of fluff. And some bra things. No wonder the machine wasn't working. The water couldn't get out. So I emptied it and now it is working fine. I am sooo handy =D
I am already in a better mood. Screw you, boyfriend. I can take care of myself. =)