The weaker gender...

There is a weaker gender...which one? Right, as IF women would ever be the weaker gender....

I mean, look at my dear boyfriend (always the example). He complains and complains and complains "I work so much...buhu, I work 11 hours in a row"
Ok, that would maybe be a lot, but he is also off three days a week.
"Buhu, I am so tired when I get home from work. Can't clean, can't cook, can't wash clothes, no energy"
But he has energy enough to be awake til 6 in the morning (he finish work at 23.00) and sit in front of the computer...

So I say. "It is ok if you don't clean or cook or anything the days you are working, I understand you must be tired, but please help me on your off days"
Does that happen? Never. "I am NEVER off (he had to work an extra day, two weeks in a row, one of them he called in sick with a hangover) I don't have the energy today! And he gets angry with me. It is not like I am up his face anymore asking him fifteen times to clean the kitchen, it is more like "you promised to take out the trash wednesday, it is sunday now..."

So what is wrong with him? I guess he probably just is the weaker gender. I have to adjust to the fact that some people can't handle things.
I was working 60-80 hours a week, split shift, late evenings and early mornings, six days a week, and did I complain? Sure a bit, but not like this. I would NEVER complain like this. Just get a grip! Grow up.

I know what HARD WORK is, and it is NOT sitting in front of a computer 11 hours a day...I would like to see him working my 82 hours in 7 days, with two 21 hours shift after each other with four hour sleep in between. Running in a restaurant, carring plates, tables, chairs, glasses, dishes, cleaning, polishing etc.

I am a bit bitter I think...
He was off, Sunday, Monday and today. Was supposed to clean yesterday, since he is to tired on Sundays (that is absolutely fine). No cleaning yesterday, he "woke up" at 4pm. Sure. I cleaned up a bit and he promised to clean today and that we would go for dinner today instead..
Came home today...nothing cleaned. He "woke up" at 4.30 and didn't feel well. Apparently he was completely smashed when he came home last night. So he is not ill, he has a hang over...good excuse.

When it comes to illnesses, we all know that guys are weaker..they get a little cold and they think they will die..
My boyfriend have been home several times already feeling ill, and he has been ill many many many times on his off days (think it is so that he wont have to clean). When I got sick two weeks ago I tried to continue to work, but I ended up in the hospital. I was ill for real.

It is a bit sad guys, but I love you anyway. Thinking about maybe getting a girlfriend though. Just to see if it is any better.. naaaa...
Might move out from Tore now though. Tried to talk to him about it, the reaction I get is "so move out!!!!" and he then ignores me. Feels like talking to a kid. Maybe I just should. A german girl at work needs a new room mate. Hmm, I need to think about it. Is it time to cut loose?

The sweet escape is ringing in my head again...

Postat av: Akire

So Miss Erika, how is ur friend, Richa?


2008-11-07 @ 23:50:56

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