Am I single again?

Do you wanna know some (great) news? I am single. I think so anyway. To make a looooong story short:

Friday evening. Danish Anders invites me for a party at Mathias place near where I live. A Scandinavian party. I thought "Great, that will be sooo much fun!"
Me and Mia went out on Saturday to buy some clothes etc and started of slowly with some vodka redbull and a lot of lime. Around 11 we went to Mathias together with Fransesco.
I had soooo much fun! We had a great time, I made friend with Modde again, even though I had decided to hate him forever and forever.
It turns late and I am getting quite drunk. And I know that we are sitting in the backyard talking, me and Mia and Anders. Impressing. Funny. We get inside. Sit down on the sofas. And someone starts to offer me shots of vodka. Bad idea. But drunk as I was, I didn't think about it.
Around 5.30 we went home and Mia left me in our flat. I had the wooooooorst hangover ever ever ever on Sunday.

Went to work this morning. Around 3 I get a lot of texts and missed calls from Tore. Don't know why since I left the ATM card on the kitchen table.
"Do you know why I am pissed off" he shouts. "No, did I forget to leave the ATM card on the table?" "Wrong answer!!!" "Ok..?"
"You and Anders!" "What?" "You and Anders!!" "Me and Anders and what?" "You were acting like a whore!! Everybody knows it!!" "Ööööh, what?" "So you don't remember?" "No, sorry" "We are sooo over, you are a complete waste of time"

Kind of. And he broke up with me. Since I can't remember anything I went to Francesco who said "Oh yes, I know THAT!" and smiled. "Huh? How come everybody knows but me?"

It seems like I have a bit of a blackout there. After some research it seems like I kissed Anders at one point on Saturday night. But he doesn't remember either. Interesting huh?

And am I supposed to be sad now? What should I do? Should I move out? Should I stay? Should I try to make him forgive me? Doesn't this just show that something was actually not 100 % right in our relationship? Is all of this my fault alone? I don't have any tears in my eyes.
My lovely friends told me that they have a place for me to stay if I need. Typical it is so close to Christmas. What shall I do? I spoke to mum. She told me that I shouldn't think to much with my heart. I should move out, and if he wants to stay with me, then we will continue as a couple, but otherwise I will be free as a bird. And maybe I should be. Then I can do whatever I want again. I wont have to think about what someone else is thinking. But I still like him.

Hmmm....he will probably not take me back anyway so there is not point of thinking about that. I will see if his friends have left and then, I will go and try to have a conversation with him. I REALLY need a drink right now!!!!!!!


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