On probation...in a relationship
You can say that I am on probation. Tore has not yet decided if he can or if he can't forgive me for what happened last Saturday. There is no excuse, but I tried to explain to him that it didn't mean anything since I can't even remember it.
This is officially my first black out. And the weird part is that I can't even remember the whole. I remember the evening as complete, no gaps. We came, we had fun, we left. But at some point in the middle, I had a short blackout.
It was a bit awkward to be informed by somebody else what I had done. WHY do people drink that much? Ok, I did it, but I learned from this. What I know is that there are people who drink like this every weekend and have blackouts. That is just embarassing.
I am a bit disappointed since I can't remember it. The guy is hot. Was it good? Was it bad? Probably crap (you can't really perform anything when you are piss drunk). But it would have been nice to remember. It was only a few kisses. But still. Anywho. I spoke to my partner in crime on Friday since I felt that we needed to discuss what happened. Can be a bit awkward since he is my supervisor.
He doesn't remember a thing and we laughed about the stupidness. To make out in front of tonnes of people we are working with? We agreed that we could have done a lot worse (he is hot as I told you, he feels the same about me) and we could have done a lot more to regret. So, no awkwardness between us, just some laughs and we are gonna stay out of each others reach the next time we enter a party ;)
The week has been hell. No Nordic calls again. I am banned! :( not really, but since we are that many Scandinavians now, I am prioritized on UK/IE and those calls are crap. They are always sooooo angry (even when they have damaged their products themselves) and wants us to pay and refuse to take a no. If you say no, they want to speak to a Supervisor. I have the same authority as my supervisors which means that I can make all decisions myself, but they don't care. And they scream in your ear saying you don't care about them as customers... Please don't expect too much when you have dropped your phone in the toilet please! I DO care, I AM terribly sorry that you were stupid enough to leave the computer out in the rain, but there is NOTHING we can do!
This weekend has been quiet. I have been looking for some christmas gifts for Tore. I am on kind of probation now, but I will still give him a christmas gift. If he doesn't give me one, I don't care. And I am due to start going to a psychologist. Interesting huh? I have issues. Big issues. Nothing to discuss, but I need to sort my head out.
This is officially my first black out. And the weird part is that I can't even remember the whole. I remember the evening as complete, no gaps. We came, we had fun, we left. But at some point in the middle, I had a short blackout.
It was a bit awkward to be informed by somebody else what I had done. WHY do people drink that much? Ok, I did it, but I learned from this. What I know is that there are people who drink like this every weekend and have blackouts. That is just embarassing.
I am a bit disappointed since I can't remember it. The guy is hot. Was it good? Was it bad? Probably crap (you can't really perform anything when you are piss drunk). But it would have been nice to remember. It was only a few kisses. But still. Anywho. I spoke to my partner in crime on Friday since I felt that we needed to discuss what happened. Can be a bit awkward since he is my supervisor.
He doesn't remember a thing and we laughed about the stupidness. To make out in front of tonnes of people we are working with? We agreed that we could have done a lot worse (he is hot as I told you, he feels the same about me) and we could have done a lot more to regret. So, no awkwardness between us, just some laughs and we are gonna stay out of each others reach the next time we enter a party ;)
The week has been hell. No Nordic calls again. I am banned! :( not really, but since we are that many Scandinavians now, I am prioritized on UK/IE and those calls are crap. They are always sooooo angry (even when they have damaged their products themselves) and wants us to pay and refuse to take a no. If you say no, they want to speak to a Supervisor. I have the same authority as my supervisors which means that I can make all decisions myself, but they don't care. And they scream in your ear saying you don't care about them as customers... Please don't expect too much when you have dropped your phone in the toilet please! I DO care, I AM terribly sorry that you were stupid enough to leave the computer out in the rain, but there is NOTHING we can do!
This weekend has been quiet. I have been looking for some christmas gifts for Tore. I am on kind of probation now, but I will still give him a christmas gift. If he doesn't give me one, I don't care. And I am due to start going to a psychologist. Interesting huh? I have issues. Big issues. Nothing to discuss, but I need to sort my head out.