Christmas is around the corner

Merry fucking christmas. Miss Sunshine is here. Broken dreams. Broken promises. Like always.

Do you think that there will be ONE day when my dear actually keep something he has promised? And is there gonna be only ONE time when he actually doesn't blame me or try to make me the big bad wolf when I ask him why he promise something without keeping it (again).

Promise: To clean the flat and that we were going out for dinner this evening when I come home from work.
What happened?: I called him on my way from work. He wasn't at home. Asked if he was in town. Yes he was there shopping with someone. Ok, are we having dinner? No, he have just eaten lunch (time is 17.10)
Ok, I am disappointed and take the bus home. Was the house cleaned? Of course not!! Who are you trying to fool? And THEN I get a text from him: Buy food
He comes home, gets into the room and shows me the playstation he bought and gets upset when I don't jump with joy. Ask him about the dinner and about the cleaning and he starts screaming at me. And slamming the door on the way out.

And this time I only laugh. I am so sick of his behaviour. I am not the bitch in every scenario. I'm not. But I expect a little bit from him. It is soon christmas.
IF I go for a dinner tomorrow after work with my colleagues, then he don't want to celebrate when he gets home from work at 23.30. So he wants me to sit home from 16.00 tomorrow and do NOTHING just to let me celebrate with him. I am thinking about going for the dinner and then just don't come back home until early morning. As if he will care if I am home at 11 or 03.30

I really need to call a psychologist after Christmas. Need to get out of this.
But I like the flat. I don't want to live with people I don't know. But it might be the best. So my mind can get some piece. Cause there are people who likes me. Who cares. And I thank them for it.

Anyway, tomorrow is Christmas and it is time for friends and love. I will enjoy time with my friends and only drink some wine. Don't want to repeat Saturday again (even though I am very sad I missed the kiss)

Merry Christmas and Happy new year from me to all of you. I love you, I do. I miss you even more. 


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