You can't imagine!
This is gonna be a looooong blogg...Because I haven't been able to write in it for two weeks. Something wrong with the page...Whatever..I'll try to give you everything in short stories, but I promise you, it will be hard!
Ok, so where to start? Hmmm...
We'll start with Sky, my dear (ex)manager, who after taking my notes that I made for a meeting with the HR Manager and OP Manager, called me a bitch and said that she'll do everything she can to get me out of the hotel...SHE'S a bitch, ok? Whatever. My last day was last friday and I'm sooo happy!
So I had a meeting with the HR and the OP managers...and I told EVERYTHING about Sky. That she didn't see the difference between the salmon and the duck!!! (hello! salmon is pink!!!!) and that she wants to order 800 napkins a week...(we use around 1600 every week) I had around 25 complaints about her... But I was gonna tell you that they offered me a job in the Cocktail Bar! And I said "yes, why not?" So, the 13th of July, I start in the Cocktail Bar...propably.
Went in to Dublin on my first offday, and met Elin. We sat in St Stephens Green Park and after we went home to my place and ordered chinafood...We had so much fun and I have really missed her!
This is the best day ever ok? You're gonna here a story now, and you're probably gonna think "Is that Erika? The girl that we KNOW??" I don't know actually =)
Ok, so on sunday we were going to Tamango's of course. My "leaving party" and we had sooooo much fun. And we were sooo drunk. And after Tamango's..I have no idea how, but everybody ended up in OUR house! And we continued drinking (not me actually) and people were smoking greeny stuff =) and we had sooo much fun....They left att 6 am...
On monday we here from Pavel that the landlord is coming, neighbours have been complaining and that the Garda actually was here last night....And that we should look for another accomodation. Huh? We just took it easy and waited for the night, I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Yeah, we could get thrown out...
So, the landlord came, and to make the story short "I don't think you girls fit in here. You are young, you want to party. You should look for another accomodation"
So, I can now tick off on my list, that I got kicked out of a house, because of partying =) But it was a hell of a party, so it WAS worth it! I must say that I'm actually proud of myself =)
So, we have found a new house. Hopefully. IN the new house, we're making the rules ok? WE'RE gonna have parties! But if someone is working early or things like that, of course, we'll respect that. But we're living here to have fun, to have the time of our life!
And the last thing...Was in Belfast with Kers today and yesterday! Cool! We had sooo much fun. Slept in a hostel for 7.50 pound per person in a 18 bedroom dorm...ME, in a DORM! Can you imagine? What has happened to Erika? Just pracitising before Australia ok =) And we had sooo much fun, will tell you later because now we're going to Tamango's.
And tomorrow I'm off to Cork, and probably Galway! And I have a date this weekend with a guy from London, who lives in Belfast, and will drive down to Dublin for dinner =D
Oh, And William is out of my head! Thank god for that! Finally!
And soon I'll see you in Stockholm!