Cork or Belfast, Belfast or Cork...

I'm home from Cork now. Have spent 2½ days there, and I'm totally in love in that town. Around 150 000 people live there and it's the second biggest town in the Republic of Ireland, after Dublin.

I took a day tour yesterday, by bus, which took us through Kinsale, a very old beautiful fishing village. Ballygooley, Clonakilty, Timoleague and a few more smaller villages. We saw strands and cliffs and the bus driver who was our guide spoke all the time and told us things about Ireland and the different counties and so on..

Came home a few hours ago, and I've started to pack my things. As you know, I'm moving out now, because of our party =P too bad
But, I've decided to move somewhere else. I'm not gonna stay in Portmarnock. It's between Cork and Belfast right now, probably Cork. I fell in love with it...It's a different atmosphere down there...

But I will miss all the good times we had up here, me, Gabi and Kers. Living together, having spontaneous parties every second night and sitting in the garden talking and drinking wine 'til 5 in the morning. It's a time I'll never forget. But I can feel in my whole being, that it's time for me to move on. I can't stay here anymore.

I'm feeling a bit homesick as well, I might stay in Sweden a little longer if I decide to move to Cork...I mean, I don't have a job yet, so I don't have a pressure to get back...

Anyway, need to continue packing...See you next week!


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