Erika in Spain
I'm in Spain as you might know...Otherwise, you know it now.. And I'm having sooo much fun here. It's relaxing, but there is to many SWEDISH people! I'm actually getting crazy. It's swedish over here, and swedish over there and I'm just so fucking sick of it!! I mean there IS a reason why I left Sweden, and now they are surrounding me like I don't know what! Ok Erika, just relax, you're on holiday...breathe in, breathe out...
So, I feel a lot better now, thanks =)
The problem is really that I'm the ONLY ONE over 18 here! That's swedish I mean. I love my sister over everything in the world, but SHE IS only 17 and the last few days I've been climbing the walls. But I love you Denice! I just miss my friends, the parties I know I'm missing in Portmarnock and to speak english. I mean, there is NO MEANING AT ALL, to try to speak english here, not even the bartenders know any english. It's totally hopeless, but now I'm learning spanish so It's getting a little bit easier.
WHY are you learning spanish, my dear Erika? Well....I was thinking...I'm quite sick of the climate of Ireland...(poor poor english there, hihi)
DO YOU mean that you're thinking about...? About moving down here, yeah. I mean, why not? I've been in Ireland for 9 months now, I'm homeless, and have no job, so there's not really anything holding me back, is there? Except all my dearly beloved friends that I'm thinking of every day! Thank GOD (or something) that I brought my computer with all the photos I can watch, when I feel alone =)
So Erika, are you serious? I would like to, but it feels like a bigger step to move down to Spain...because I don't speak spanish, I'm a quick learner though, and I would really love to! I mean, think about the weather here, and think about the weather in Ireland. OR in Sweden. But then I need to get a job here as well, and that can be a little bit harder. That's the scary part you know. In Ireland I had Elin, IF anything would have gone wrong, I had her there, but if I go to Spain? No. All alone, in a country where they don't speak or understand english! But it's a cool experience, and then I can go to Australia next fall and feel that I've done something else than just...
Ok, so today I'm not really telling you what we've been up to, but that's because I feel that I need to share my thoughts with you before I come home and give you the chock of your life (almost =) )
My beloved friends, what should I do?
What I CAN tell you, is that I'm still texting this guy Paul, from Belfast... He's really sweet, and we're gonna meet when I get back to Ireland... We text a lot, he's actually the reason why I moved my beautiful being over to this internet café, MILES away =) I need to top up my credit, and then I realised I forgot my phone at home! I can do it tomorrow!
Anyway, have to leave now. Tonight, me and Didi are gonna sing Don't Stop with Queen on karaoke up in the Oasis =) Nice name,huh? I almost feel like home!
And remember that I love you!!!
I'm in Spain as you might know...Otherwise, you know it now.. And I'm having sooo much fun here. It's relaxing, but there is to many SWEDISH people! I'm actually getting crazy. It's swedish over here, and swedish over there and I'm just so fucking sick of it!! I mean there IS a reason why I left Sweden, and now they are surrounding me like I don't know what! Ok Erika, just relax, you're on holiday...breathe in, breathe out...
So, I feel a lot better now, thanks =)
The problem is really that I'm the ONLY ONE over 18 here! That's swedish I mean. I love my sister over everything in the world, but SHE IS only 17 and the last few days I've been climbing the walls. But I love you Denice! I just miss my friends, the parties I know I'm missing in Portmarnock and to speak english. I mean, there is NO MEANING AT ALL, to try to speak english here, not even the bartenders know any english. It's totally hopeless, but now I'm learning spanish so It's getting a little bit easier.
WHY are you learning spanish, my dear Erika? Well....I was thinking...I'm quite sick of the climate of Ireland...(poor poor english there, hihi)
DO YOU mean that you're thinking about...? About moving down here, yeah. I mean, why not? I've been in Ireland for 9 months now, I'm homeless, and have no job, so there's not really anything holding me back, is there? Except all my dearly beloved friends that I'm thinking of every day! Thank GOD (or something) that I brought my computer with all the photos I can watch, when I feel alone =)
So Erika, are you serious? I would like to, but it feels like a bigger step to move down to Spain...because I don't speak spanish, I'm a quick learner though, and I would really love to! I mean, think about the weather here, and think about the weather in Ireland. OR in Sweden. But then I need to get a job here as well, and that can be a little bit harder. That's the scary part you know. In Ireland I had Elin, IF anything would have gone wrong, I had her there, but if I go to Spain? No. All alone, in a country where they don't speak or understand english! But it's a cool experience, and then I can go to Australia next fall and feel that I've done something else than just...
Ok, so today I'm not really telling you what we've been up to, but that's because I feel that I need to share my thoughts with you before I come home and give you the chock of your life (almost =) )
My beloved friends, what should I do?
What I CAN tell you, is that I'm still texting this guy Paul, from Belfast... He's really sweet, and we're gonna meet when I get back to Ireland... We text a lot, he's actually the reason why I moved my beautiful being over to this internet café, MILES away =) I need to top up my credit, and then I realised I forgot my phone at home! I can do it tomorrow!
Anyway, have to leave now. Tonight, me and Didi are gonna sing Don't Stop with Queen on karaoke up in the Oasis =) Nice name,huh? I almost feel like home!
And remember that I love you!!!