Belfast or Dublin, Austin or Paul?

Welcome to Miss Erikas messed up mind....
"But I was supposed to move to Belfast. I have already packed all my things!"
"Yeah, but you CAN'T be serious about that job, are you?"  "Well..." "No Erika! You will get into troubles when you finds another job. The money goes straight to your pocket. No insurance, no anything!!" "But I want to move up there..." "My dear Erika, you can move up there as soon as you get a job. Just concentrate on your interview today, ok? And didn't that guy Austin text you? You like him don't ya?" "That's not fair. It could work out anyway. Belfast is not far away..." "Neither is Sweden, and see how the story with you and that 'love of your life guy' ended" "I guess you might be right" "Of course I am, I'm ALWAYS right. Go for the date, the interview and take it as it comes. But plz, don't take the job at the cafe. You can't go from a 2AA Rosette Award Restaurant, to a crappy cafe!" "Ok, I will. But plz, be quiet when I'm out with Austin (and Paul and Manuel) I don't want them to think that I have a split personality or something..."Deal, then"

Ok, I'm a little bit scared myself. I'm almost talking to myself, loud! =) No, not really, but I have been climbing the walls the last few days. I'm restless, just want a job so I can do something during the days. Ok I love my tours around the cities, but I want to work. And I want to make new friends. I want to go for my dates.

I have three dates waiting for me. Tonight is the first one. But I don't know if we're calling it a date. He's taking me to a big houseparty in the city centre, with dj and everything. That's Manuel.
Paul is meeting me in Belfast next week, OR he's driving down here to go for dinner with me. That's cool! =)
I don't know anything about Austin yet, because I haven't answered his text yet. But I look most forward to go out with him. I have a silly smile on my face, and I feel nervous...Who knows?

Do you know the most interesting thing? I was talking to Elin about him last week, after the party. And she said "you don't have a special type of guy, but I don't think that Alex, Goran and Andreas have anything in common. But THIS guy. He's totally NOT YOUR TYPE! You know what I mean" And yes, I do. We're like day and night. But I really enjoyed our evening together. Apparently he did as well... =D

And who knows? But then maybe I should stay in Dublin and give it a chance. I'll give it a date, and after that we'll see. If I get the job at Brown Thomas, I can stay here for a while. I can always move up to Belfast next month. You know, as long as I'm continuing looking for a good job.

The most importnant thing in all of this, is that I haven't felt this good for a long long long time. Actually since last of january. The day I thought my life was ending. I finally got over it. Totally. I've forgiven, I've said I'm sorry, we've talked and everything is out of the world. But it took me almost exactly half a year!

But now I feel free again. As I've said before. "Regret is a waste of time" Have you made a mistake? Just fix it or get over with it!
I won't be crying when I'm lonely... la la la

Ok, I have to prepare now. If I'm "lucky" I might start selling shoes at Brown Thomas next week or something...

My vegetarian diet is ok actually. I've been vegetarian for 8 days now, and I must say that it's weird. Only 5 months, 2 weeks and 4 days =) not that I'm counting :)

Tonight it's party party!

And remember your cute blonde innocent swedish girl...I won't do anything that no other swedish girl wouldn't do...Ok, that doesn't say a lot. You should be scared to death! :)


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