B4 I met U
Back in SCHWEDEN...dearly beloved beautiful Sweden. "What's wrong with u Erika? I thought u didn't like Sweden?" "Well, I kind of got homesick, and now I don't know if I want 2 leave...I mean, I met this guy 2 days ago..Daniel...real nice guy. Ok, we spoke for like 20 min, but he called me yesterday...And of course I'm leaving the country on thursday. B4 we have the chance 2 meet up..."
Anyway, now I'm gonna tell u little short about our holiday in Spain...Sorry for my new writing skills..To much texting makes u lazy..
Or actually, I'm 2 lazy 2 write about Spain...But we had soooo much fun. Together with a gorgeous bartender who gave us free tequila shots and other drinks and who came partying with us after work...We picked lemons, sang karaoke, THAT WAS SCARY!! and drank a lot of beer!
The biggest news: I now officially drink beer, AND whiskey straight! Cool, huh?
On thursday I'm flying back home to Dublin, I'll start from there. We'll see if I move to Spain now, or later. Might go there for next summer or something... I mean, it's easier to get a job and I have a lot of time to learn spanish. But I keep everything open. Nothing holds me back anywhere...except Paul maybe...
Ok, now I have to continue clearing my room, and wash clothes =(

I'm beautiful, ain't I?? =D
I love u all!!