Stung by the same wasp twice...lucky me..

I've had a few rough weeks.

My flat mate let me know a few days ago that he is moving back to Sweden. Why? Why? Why? Well, he's got a part-time job, he wants to be with his family bla bla bla. WTH?
I KNOW that it is difficult when someone dies, when there's a tragedy, or anything, but if I would have gone home just because of that? Then I would have gone home years ago. "It's because you are much stronger than me"
That's just BS. I don't give up. That's what it is.
I've gone through horrible things, I've cried, almost had nervous breakdowns, ended up in hospitals alone, had a friend steal 9000 EUR from me and my ex, and a lot of other shit. But I'm still here.

Anyway, if he had told me about this only one week earlier (this was Tuesday), then I could have moved in with Anders, a close friend of mine who's back from Denmark, and who's now Manager for my old team :)
But no, he decided to keep his mouth shut, Anders moved in with another friend of mine, and bleeeh.

Well, I've had a great time with him though. I love him, we have such a blast together!

And I have given Apple my sisters CV, so let's see if I can "infiltrate" her ;) Can you imagine another part of my family in Apple. They will love her. We'll see. I would love to get her over here.

On Friday it was the yearly Apple BBQ. It's always a crazy evening...had an awesome time!
Me and Anders showed up in cowboy hats. it looked better than I thought :)

Spent Saturday at home though as I felt sick, and we watched "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock. Great movie. During the movie, I felt something on my leg, thought it was a fly. Tried to get rid of it, and I was stung. I was a wasp!
My hand was soooo swollen! And it hurt :(
We found it and killed it, but not the sting. And this morning I was laying on the bed, and I was stung again, the stinger was stuck in the fleece blanket I had on the bed. Annoying!
It's ok now, but how big is the chance? Anywho, need to get to bed!

Importing homosexuality? (WTF??)

Sometimes I wonder...

"It [homosexuality] is not in our character - it is not there and if anybody wants to import it to Sudan it will always be condemned by everybody"

Salva Kiir, President of South Sudan

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