And yes, me like ponies...

I had my first "real" day at work today. In that I mean, I took calls alone, and had to solve all the problems and customers alone, with no one listening in on the calls. It was scary. It was fun. I loved it!

I had maybe four calls, but that was more than enough for me today! Everything takes a bit longer than it should right now since I am doublechecking everything fifteen times just to be sure.

I had a customer with a consumer law claim which really made me nervous since it is really importnant I do not say anything that can be turned around in the wrong way. It went fine. Scary stuff!

This job is gonna be sooo great when I finally know where to find everything and know what to say. That will take me a little time tho... =)

Hmmm, what else have happened? Oh yeah, I went up to Belfast last weekend. Just decided last Thursday to pop up and grab some stuff. I went up to Belfast and back to Cork in 28 hours. I spent 16 of those hours on the bus... Came up to Belfast Friday night at 04.30 and just went to a hostel where I fell asleep. Went up at 10-ish and then straight to our old flat to start pack. That took some time and at 3pm I took the bus back. I can honestly say that it didn't stop rain once during my trip over the whole Island. There was floodings in Dublin and Belfast, and some warnings in Cork. Accidents everywhere (since the Irish don't know how to drive when it's raining) and just dull.

A good thing though is that I decided to start read something and now I feel that I'm getting into one of those periods when I can just read a book after another. Right now I'm reading the sixth Harry Potter again so that I can finally read the last one after.

Tore is going to Dublin this weekend, yey! So I will have at least the whole Sunday alone. That will be sooo nice. We've barely seen each other this week, but we are just fighting anyway so it doesn't really matter.

I'm thinking about staying brunette. I quite like it. And it looks good in me. I DO miss my blonde hair, but it is quite nice to be taken seriously =) And yes, there is a difference! But if you are not a blonde Swedish girl, then you cannot possible imagine what I mean =D (I'm not complaining)

Now, I'm gonna go and take a looooong bath and read.

See ya later my dear friends.

My first call...

I KNOW I promised to update more often. I don't know why I can't!! Shame on me! I will try!

Anywho, I have been in Cork now for 6 weeks!! Time really flies. Or not really, it goes really slow when you are short of money and you are waiting for the paycheck... =)

As you know, I have had quite a few bad first weeks down here in Cork. It was actually more like hell... Anywho, we finally got ourself a really nice apartment (where we can have the fastest broadband in ireland = 20mb/s...) and after a lot of counting and stuff we decided to move in..

I worked that one evening at the wedding.. I was suppose to work between 16 and 23, but seriously, WHAT wedding finish at eleven??? I was done at 05.00 in the morning...and the hotel paid a taxi for me and two guys in to Cork. I was sooo tired after that shift, but soo happy. I felt like home!! And I had been the team leader and stuff so I had really been in my own environment like.

But the days before the wedding tho, Thursday and Friday, were busy. I had contact with three recruitment companies...and they called about different jobs and stuff.

I was in chock!! In the beginning of the next week I had an interview with a travel company, like a call center thing. And another recruitment company asked if I wanted to apply for Apple Inc. I said that I hadn't done that already since I didn't think I had the skills, but they said that they would send it for me, so sure, why not?

They called me the day after and told me Apple was interested and wanted to have a language test with me (English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian)..and I was nervous! The interview went well. Half an hour after the language test I had a final interview with the travel company, a kind of practical test thing. I thought that went crap!

The travel agency offer me the position. And Apple have a face to face interview with me the same day. The interview went well and I didn't know what to do. It all went so fast. In the middle of all of this I had had to get in touch with two references for me, and my lovely Gabi is in Switzerland, but I finally reached her and she and Karoline (my dear friend from Belfast, GEM) was the bestest references you could possible have!!

Apple got aware of the fact that I had a job offer and the position I originally applied for wouldn't start until the beginning of September, so I told the recruitment company that "sorry, but I'm gonna have to say yes to the travel company since I need a job". They called Apple, who called back and within 2 hours and gave me a second interview over phone (more a formality thing) and in the end of the conversation they offered me the position and said that they had changed the start date, til the following Tuesday. (This was Thursday)

And me, very happy, just smiled and said yes and suddenly I had a job!!

So the last two weeks I have been on training. "special training" since I started after all the others. It's been great. The Nordic team is great and the atmosphere at Apple is super. It's about 2000 people working for Apple in Cork. We sign a lot of confidentiality papers and stuff when we start, so I wont tell you anything importnant since that can be really bad. And for that matter, I don't know anything interesting anyway =)

What I do know, is that I work at Customer Relations and that my job is to take care of all the unhappy customers calling to Apple. And that we DO get discount for myself and family/friends =D

The problem we had with money is finally solved, Tore is on normal tax, we have paid all stuff we need, deposits, rents and first bills and so on, and we will now get good money to save =D and shop shoes...

But what I really wanted to tell you my friends, is that I for my first time today, took calls. That is something I have been soooo not looking forward to =) I mean, what if you get the worst case scenario on the first one like?
Luckily, the trainer put me with Inga (nicest Norwegian girl ever) as my mentor and when the first call came, I thought I was gonna die!

But I did it!! And the customer was great and he was happy in the end! And I was even happier! And I could handle the call by myself with guide from Inga. And I also did a second call!! Me proud!!

I just want you to be a little proud of your nice Swedish girl =)

And that's all for me right now...

Love you guys!

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