Party at Potthouse, Belfast (21.09.2007) free lapdances...

I celebrated my birthday yesterday...I turned 22 on Wednesday but I wasn't really up to going out because I was working at 8 on thursday... Anyhow, Tore couldn't go with us because he was ill. He even stayed home from work yesterday because he had it called that?

Stop reading if you can't handle everything. A LOT happened and I will tell you almost everything. Even the things I'm not really proud of...

Anyway, I had my beautiful dress that you've seen before, the chinese inspired one and I met up with Aleksandra, Fredrik and Elisabeth... (swedish, swedish, danish) Poor norwegian stayed at home...

We went to Potthouse, it's suppose to be a good nightclub here in Belfast. And I told Elisabeth "I haven't been out for over a month! Let's get drunk!" And she had never tried "Baby Guiness" so we started with some shots...Great. We had a great time actually. She asked me if I wanted to be her "girlfriend" this evening. She was stunning! So of course, would I say no to that?

We had fun, and a guy came to me and started to talk...Elisabeth looked at me and I smiled, she came towards us, slapped the guy and almost screamed "Why the FUCK are you talking to my girlfriend???!!" And she took my arm and we left...Such a scene...=)

She said "Kiss me"
I said "I've never kissed a girl, and I've ALWAYS said I will NEVER kiss a girl"
"Really? Come on! Just one kiss..."
"I'm not drunk enough yet...we'll do it later"
"Well, now you promised.."

We continued drinking...and an hour later..."Come on, kiss me now" "I'm scared!" (I really was) "Ok..."
And we kissed...
She said "You're such a GREAT kisser!!" I liked kissing her...

A guy came to us "I just have to ask you something..." "Ok.." "The two guys over there wonder where you're from" "Where do you think" "Hmm..." (We're both blondes and had short dresses and looked beautiful) "They think you're from Sweden" Elisabeth said "You're SOO intelligent! We are..."  (We had decided to go totally for the SWEDISH thing for the evening)

Ok, it was late and we decided to go toward Sugar Room upstairs with dancefloor and good music..

We talked to the guards who let us in VIP...and got VIP-tickets for another time...
Went a few drinks, started to dance. And suddenly, everything is a little blurry..We we're making out (me and Lizzie) every third minute or so, and apparantly we gave free lapdances to X amount of guys...

Fredrik said that he had never before seen an entire dancefloor actually just stop to watch two girls before...and there was one guy that we apparantly danced with both of us at the same time. Fredrik went to him after, because the guy looked like he was in shock...he was shaking...and Fredrik said "You should be happy, two beautiful blondes just gave ju a free lapdance!" And the guy couldn't even answer...

I started to talk to a guy in the bar, he bought me a few drinks, a pilot...quite goodlooking...I was really really pissdrunk at this point. But I had sooo much fun.

At 5 to 2 Fredrik came and said "We have to go now, they are closing" We complained, but followed...I think we fell down the stairs, both me and Lizzie in high high heels and wet stairs cause of a spilled drink..

Got into a taxi somehow, and ended up outside our house. Tore came and opened the door (I didn't have any keys) and we tried to convince him to have a threesome with us...He said no...probably the only guy (and Fredrik) who would have said no to us that night...

We fell asleep in Tores bed...he slept in my bed. Woke up in the morning...naked, Lizzie as well...and the first thing she said was "Dude, what the F*** did we do last night??!!"

It was a great evening, shouldn't have been drinking that much though...but once in a lifetime. I have NEVER had so much fun!

I'm not proud of the fact that I gave free lapdances, but what the hell, no one remember..hopefully.

Anyhow, I'm happy

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